Viagra, Levitra or Cialis – what to choose?

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How and when erection tablets are used and what is the difference between Viagra, Cialis and Levitra?

Erection tablets belonging to PDE inhibitors group (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) are medications of the first choice for any form of erection disturbance. They are to be taken immediately before a sexual intercourse in a span of time from 30 minutes through 1 hour before a planned sex. In some cases medications are prescribed regularly before each sexual intercourse, sometimes it is recommended to take them only in case when the patient thinks that there is the most chance of failure. The medications have differences: it is useful to know them.

Viagra has the biggest clinical experience, as it is in use from1998. This medication has already helped to more than 16 million of men in entire world, and it is the most studied erection tablet. Viagra should be taken 1 hour before a sexual intercourse, it works up to 4 hours and after its intake side effects in comparison with new creations are likely to occur more often. Before using Viagra one should not take abundant and fat food, as it impairs the effectiveness of the medication.

Levitra may be taken 15 minutes before a planned sex, durability of its action is a bit more than that of Viagra, and frequency of side effects is lesser.

Cialis is to be taken 30 minutes before a planned sexual intercourse and fat food does not influence its activity, it may act up to 36 hours, sometimes more. Because of this Cialis is called a week-end tablet, as one tablet helps to be “in tonus” during all week-end.

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